My Spiritual Awakening Chapter 2

Spiritual Relationships

If you haven’t yet read Chapter 1 – I recommend starting there by clicking here.

The realness of projecting my consciousness out of my body almost had me believing that I had stood up with my physical body. However, I knew this wasn’t the case due to how much more real it felt than everyday waking life. Before I had time to process what was happening, my right shoulder suddenly jerked forward as an overly tall man wearing a loin cloth run passed me into my room, then directly through a solid brick wall leaving no trace at all!! This confirmed beyond all doubt that I had broken through to the other side. I turned to look at my bed and saw my still sleeping body. Without a second thought I knew what I had to do; I ran towards my closed bedroom window at full speed… If I was out of body then I would phase through and end up outside my flat. On the other hand if I was as physically present as I felt – then I would smash through the wooden blinds, breaking the windows and plummet head first from the second floor into a world of hurt. Don’t try this at home.


I felt the blinds and coolness of the double-glazed glass against my face, and my body effortlessly phased through it as easily as the wind blows through the trees. However, my lack of experience and my excitement thrust me further than the front garden of my flats. Instead, I found myself in the heart of central London. It was quite ironic, that the place I had spent travelling to for the last 5 years ends up being where I begin my out of body explorations. I was barefooted, wearing pyjama bottoms and a topless – had I been seen like this in waking life, perhaps the good people of London would have assumed that I was homeless or simply out of my mind.


It was early in the morning and lots of people were rushing around – headed to work. The air felt far denser than I had ever experienced in waking life, my senses were all many times greater than what I had grown accustomed to in my physical body. Despite my appearance no one paid any notice to me. I saw two police officers standing outside a shop door, they seemed to be stopping people entering; I walked up to them waving in their faces and shouting “hello!” they could neither hear nor see me. I walked passed the police officers and into the shop, but nothing interesting was going on. As I walked back out of the shop, I began to wonder how I would get back to my physical body, as soon as I thought about it, I was instantly pulled back by a strong feeling of inertia much like being on a roller coaster – then a sudden jolt! I opened my eyes, feeling completely alert and well adjusted, unlike when waking from normal sleep. My body tingled slightly but the excitement prevented me from repeating the experience immediately.


I was completely enthralled by what had just happened. I couldn’t wait to get back out and start experimenting. The feeling of being back in my body with its limited senses was initially unnerving. The feeling of being here, even as I type this – does not feel anywhere near as real as it does when I’m ‘out of body’. At the time of that first out of body experience, I truly believed that I had Astral Projected – but what I had done was a mental projection. During astral projection, you are not in the physical world – rather on the astral plane of existence (more on this later). A Mental projection allows you to observe the physical world and with training – the non-physical planes such as the astral and beyond.


Despite the overwhelming realness of what I had just experienced, the scientific mind with which I viewed the world still needed further convincing; how could I be sure that what I had experienced was real and not just a highly vivid dream. I needed concrete evidence, otherwise I was just wasting my time. I decided that my next experiment would involve my then girlfriend – unbeknownst to her. Since our experience at the IAC – she had shown absolutely no interest in any of these ‘otherworldly’ topics and often wouldn’t even entertain a discussion into the matter. I thought that perhaps once I succeeded in proving to her beyond all shadow of a doubt that these experiences were real – perhaps it would pique her interest. I decided that I would simply project at the exact time she was getting ready for work and observe her routine. Usually, I would be fast asleep when she awoke to get ready for work.


The WBTB method served me well, and in a matter of moments I was out of body standing behind my girlfriend watching her apply her make up in the mirror. She had absolutely no idea I was right behind her, as from her point of view I was invisible. I wondered if those whom had passed away were able to freely view the living in the same way. I continued to watch her until she left the flat we shared. I followed her route towards the train station and noted she walked a slightly different way than I did when I was still in the rat race. At once satisfied with my observations I decided to return to my physical abode. It was still pretty early and I decided to sleep nicely.


When I awoke later that morning, I eagerly messaged my girlfriend to tell her about what I had accomplished and determine if it was accurate or merely a super vivid dream. She stopped replying to my messages about my out of body experiment and did not confirm the success of it until she got home later that night. It turns out everything I had observed was matched up with the actions she had taken. I also found out that she was absolutely terrified by the whole thing. This was the real reason she never wanted to discuss anything she experienced that night at the IAC or my out of body attempts. She urged me to stop doing all these ‘abnormal things’ and just be like everyone else and do ‘normal things’. But like Neo in the film the matrix, it was too late to turn back – once I had gone out of body the first time – I had taken the red pill. I continued my Astral Explorations and some months later my girlfriend ended our 2 year relationship and moved on.


I found it interesting that once she was gone, my ability to project sky rocketed. I suspect that her fear may have been interfering with my success. I decided to setup further experiments; I would project to a family members house and observe who was there and what was going on. I would easily confirm whatever I observed in the real world.


I had developed a daily and nightly routine that included guided meditations for projection – although these rarely worked on their own, I felt as if the suggestion would penetrate my subconscious and form a habit of projecting. I still heavily relied on the wake back to bed method for a successful bodily exodus. My success rate for going out of body had reached about 70% from day to day, and excitement would often prevent me from getting past sleep paralysis to the point of projection. In any case, I continued with determination!


After invoking the WBTB method successfully one early Saturday morning – I floated out of body and into my living room. I had heard that once out of body you could teleport to any location with a mere thought, and so I began to think about my relatives’ house and instantly found myself standing outside. I decided to fly up to the first floor and phased through the window; I immediately encountered two of my relatives; one of which does not live at this house but was clearly visiting. Neither of them could see me. They were discussing something specific that I cannot elaborate upon, nor will I mention the names of the relatives in question this is to protect their privacy and dignity – I’m sure you understand where I am coming from with this. I took note of what I heard and decided to check on the rest of the house and who was around.


With my task complete, I thought about my physical body and found myself back from my travels, feeling fresh. I immediately messaged one of the relatives who lives at the house I had visited out of body, and they confirmed the presence of the relative who was visiting at the time. I then spoke to my mother regarding the details of what I had heard as this information was quite sensitive, I could not openly ask the relatives who were discussing it. To my amazement my mother confirmed that the information I had procured was 100% accurate. My mind was on full throttle, imagining all the things I could potentially do and all the adventures that lay ahead of me! I couldn’t wait to project again. At this point, I could only project using the WBTB method and it required at least 4 hours of sleep in order to invoke. In other words, I was only really able to attempt projecting once a day. Although I did continue to try at different times in the day.


I had read that the spirits of the dead often linger close to the physical plane in what is referred to as the Etheric plane. I remembered my childhood house, which I would often hear unexplained noises at all times of the day and night – back then I would ignore it because I was afraid and felt that any attention to the noises would only rile up whatever was hiding in the shadows. I was about 9 years old then. I decided, it was time to test this theory out, I would project and visit my childhood house.


Following my custom WBTB method, I easily projected and once out of body – I thought about my childhood house. I found myself standing outside the front door, I walked straight into the hallway and was greeted by an elderly woman with glasses who was dressed in 1960s style clothes. I could feel her energy and instantly knew that she was neither a dreamer nor had she consciously projected. The deeper I scanned her energy field it was became increasingly obvious that she wasn’t attached to a physical body! She had passed away many years prior! The feeling and knowledge of this overwhelmed me and I freaked out, I immediately thought about my physical body in order to escape – and could not! I was stuck!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this short chapter.


With much love to you and yours,

Stay positive and stay healthy,

Andre Zen


This article was first published: on the 5th January 2016 on the Sifume website (which is no more).

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